Saturday, November 7, 2009

I've been a just a wee bit out of the loop the last week or so. You may have noticed my posts' becoming fewer and fewer and even a little dull. No, I am not tiring of my little just so happens that my computer...CRASHED!!! If you have ever had the misfortune of this experience then you know what a horrible and inconveniencing drag it can be.

Things, however, are looking up as my smart, handsome, intelligent and sexy husband also happens to know how to switch out the bad stuff in my computer for the good. Now that it is all bandaged and fixed up I can get back down to the business of blogging and creating. Yay!


  1. It's almost scary how dependent we've all become on our computers, isn't it? It might actually be less traumatic to lose a leg! LOL
    I'm glad to hear that things are all better now.

  2. It certainly is much more of a lifeline than I ever realized. I hate being dependant on technology!!!! :)

  3. Hi Cindy! How are you? I miss seeing you over a VV. The site has been down for awhile it seems. Any updates?

  4. Hi Angie! I have no idea what has happened over at Vintage Flaire! I am starting to think that it may have been shut down. I had not checked in for a bit and when I finally did I found the site to be offline. If I hear anything I will let you know. Can I still get in contact with you on your blog or do you have a different one now...havn't seen it pop up in my reader for awhile? :)

  5. Hi Cindy...oh my, so much has happened in my life. Too many sad details to post here. We're trying to keep a smile on our faces and my precious little ones are ok, so that makes me happy. Yes, my blog is still up and I'm still posting. I start school next week! Scared to death, too! lol My email is, too. I'd love to catch up with you.

  6. Yes, it is great to have you back! I think I would pass out cold fi my computer died. :D


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