This cute little blog features the antics, fun and shenanigans of this adorable little girl that I am so privileged to call my niece. She is witty, inquisitive and insightful and all at such a tender young age.
What will Halle be blogging about? She will update you, your children and grandchildren on her recent trips, favorite books, and school activities. We are so proud of her for starting her own blog all by herself. Of course mom and auntie will help with the technical aspects but the design, ideas, and inspirations are all originated by this special little girl.
So if you have the time, I would highly recommend you visiting often with your children, grand kids, nieces or nephews or any other little person you hold dear.
Feel free to add comments and questions as she is just waiting to interact with her readers. Halle would love it as well if you signed in as a regular follower of her lovely blog.
According to her mom, my sister, she is checking in everyday after school to see if anyone has a question or if anyone new has joined so she can say hello and welcome to them. It is so nice when our littlest family members take the initiative to learn something new and then reach out to share it with others. It is mine and her mom's hope that you and yours enjoy interacting with our very special little person!
According to her mom, my sister, she is checking in everyday after school to see if anyone has a question or if anyone new has joined so she can say hello and welcome to them. It is so nice when our littlest family members take the initiative to learn something new and then reach out to share it with others. It is mine and her mom's hope that you and yours enjoy interacting with our very special little person!
*As a side note, I would like to put any concerns over Halle's safety in regards to her use of the Internet at ease. Halle's blog is a family project that is closely monitored by both of her parents. At no time is she allowed to interact or even access the Internet without the presence of a parent. All her post's are submitted to her mom in writing for approval and checked for content and safety before posting. In regards to the interaction with commenting, Halle is only exposed to the questions that have been pre-screened for content, safety, and age appropriateness. Her family has gone above and beyond to make sure that her blogging experience remains a fun and safe growing experience. :)
I'm a worrier. Especially about the safety of children, on the World Wide Net. Yes, many people are nice. But also yes, many people are not. And I feel we need to protect children, from the not kind/nice people.
ReplyDeleteIs her mom watching everything on her blog? Making sure that she doesn't innocently reveal personal information, and etc.? Like saying the dates of when she and her family might not be at home, and the like? Plus, so many other things, which a child is not old enough, to know, are leading questions?
-sigh- Sorry to be a 'downer,' but today's world has many scary aspects. And adults need to be aware. And need to protect children, in their care.
Aunt Amelia
Also, are you aware that your blog, takes very long, to load? And thus, it's very difficult to make Comments here?
ReplyDeleteAunt Amelia
Hi Aunt Ameilia!....I can't thank you enough for your kind concern for my little neice's safety while using the Internet. If more parent's, teachers, and adults in general were as equally concerned as you I bet we would not see as many horror stories in the news about children being harmed. I do however, want to put your mind at ease by letting you know that Halle's blog is a family project and at no time is she ever allowed to acess the Internet without the presence of a parent. The way it works is that she submits her post's in writing to my sister for editing. My sister then edits them for content and safety before typing the post herself. Next, if there are any comments that need responding to my sister does sort of an interview with Halle and exposes her only to questions that are safe and age appropriate for her. My sister and her husband have gone above and beyond to make sure that Halle can enjoy her blogging experience while remaining safe and unexposed to the harful aspects of the Internet. You were right to post your concerns and I will add and adendum to the original post to make sure others know that all the necessary precautions have been taken in advance so as not to alarm others. Oh and by the way, I checked my loading time for the comments section and it appears that everything is in working order. Are you using dial-up as this can load pages with a lot of HTML very slowly. Also you could check your spyware detection software as you may need a "sweep" done. Spyware is notorious for slowing down the loading of pages with a lot of content.
ReplyDeleteHI Cindy
ReplyDeleteOh thanks for sending your blog addy..its very fun..love the background ..did you make it??
Hi Patty, the blog background is from cute and cool blog stuff. If you scroll to the very top left you will see a button that will take you over to her site. She is a Finnish artist that creates all these beautiful add-ons for blogs and websites for free. Be sure and check her out and I hope you are up and around in no time:)